Return Policy

Order Cancellation

We understand that sometimes you need to cancel your order. We can only accept cancellations before the order has been dispatched. Please contact us at for your order cancellation requests.

Damage claim

Once your Soap&Soap product arrives, please kindly inspect all packages at their receipt before accepting them.
If there are any damages, you need to report the damaged item(s) to , within 24-48 hours after you received the product.Please email us the proof of the damages to expedite the process.

if you don’t notify us within 24-48 hours, we will consider the products as being fully accepted by you and we will not accept any reject at a later date.

Clearly, if you receive our product damaged, we will refund or exchange them (but you have to report it within 2 days after its receipt), and if you return the products with their original packaging to our address below  within 5 days of receiving them:

Naturpura LLC
42 Westervelt Place,
Jersey City, NJ 07304

Return Policy

You need to send all returns within 5 days from the receipt date to the following address :

Naturpura LLC
42 Westervelt Place,
Jersey City, NJ 07304

As a consequence, we will credit the card used for the purchase with the full original purchase, except for delivery costs.

You must return us the damaged products before we can issue a refund or replacement.

Moreover, when you return the items, we strongly recommend you to hold the shipping proof as we can’t take responsibility for any package(s) that might get lost in transit to us.

Refund Policy

In the case of a refund (following a damaged product or for any other reason), we will credit the card used for the purchase with the full original purchase, except for delivery costs and  the initial fees charged to process your order. These fees are charged by the payment processing company we use to process your payment.It takes 7 to 10 business days for the credited amount to be reflected on your credit card which you make the purchase with.